I'm going to tell you some of the best places to look when trying to find gluten free food at Whole Foods Market. I usually go to the location in Union Square but pretty much all of their stores have a similar aisle layout. The following are some of the items that are gluten free or are available in gluten free varieties in the following aisles:
*Asian / Soup Aisle - Thai Noodle Dishes, Thai Soups, and Vegetable Puree-style Soups
*Cracker / Chip Aisle - Rice-based crackers, Nut-based crackers, Pretzels, Potato Chips, Corn Chips, and Cassava Chips
*Cereal Aisle - Nutrition Bars, Cereals, Granola, Soy and Rice-based milks
*Pasta Aisle - Tomato Sauces, Rice-based, Corn-based, Soy-based, and Potato-based Pastas
*Cookie / Tea / Chocolate Aisle - Biscotti, Cookies, Teas, Chocolates
*The Bakery Section - Whole Foods Gluten Free Bakery products along with a few other gluten free brands' bakery foods
*The Ready-Made Food Section - Check all the clearly labeled ingredients on the prepared foods. Also look around for gluten free cookies, cupcakes, and brownies. There are also soups and cold cuts located here too.
*The Frozen Food Section - Frozen Meals, Chicken Fingers, French Fries, Soups, Ice Cream, Soy Cream, etc.
Whole Foods Markets are located throughout the US, UK, and Canada. In NYC, the locations are as follows:
-Union Square [The closest one to me and, therefore, the one I frequent most often]
4 Union Square South
95 East Houston Street
250 7th Avenue
207 Greenwich Street
-Columbus Circle [My favorite location / Best GF selection]
10 Columbus Circle
-97th Street
808 Columbus Avenue
Whole Foods Market also has their own blog that you can visit here or visit their website at www.wholefoodsmarket.com.
Whole Foods is probably the best super market for Celiacs. No doubt.